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Ahmad Sabilil Maromi

Backend Developer | Fullstack Web Developer

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Tentang Saya

Saya merupakan seorang Fresh Graduate dari jurusan Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Meskipun begitu sebelum saya lulus, saya sudah memiliki beberapa pengalaman berkecimpung di dunia Web Development khususnya dari sisi Backend. Dapat dilihat juga pada CV saya, bahwa saya memiliki pengalaman menggunakan bahasa PHP (Laravel) dan NodeJS (ExpressJS). Diikuti dengan pemahaman saya mengenai Database SQL (Mysql dan Postgresql) serta NoSQL (MondoDB). Selain Programming saya juga memiliki pengalaman menggunakan linux. 4 Tahun saya kuliah dan termasuk 2 tahun develop menggunakan Linux. Jadi saya cukup mahir dalam mengelola server Linux.

Hot Projects

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CoderPro - Boootstrap Startup Template For Software Projects

You can put one of your secondary projects here. Suspendisse in tellus dolor. Vivamus a tortor eu turpis pharetra consequat quis non metus. Aliquam aliquam, orci eu suscipit pellentesque, mauris dui tincidunt enim, eget iaculis ante dolor non turpis.

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DevCard - Boootstrap Portfolio Template for Software Developers

You can put one of your secondary projects here. Suspendisse in tellus dolor. Vivamus a tortor eu turpis pharetra consequat quis non metus. Aliquam aliquam, orci eu suscipit pellentesque, mauris dui tincidunt enim, eget iaculis ante dolor non turpis.

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Instance - Boootstrap Portfolio Template for Aspiring Full Stack Developers

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Nova Pro - Boootstrap Template for Mobile Startups

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DevStudio - Boootstrap Template for WebDev Agencies and Freelance Developers

You can put one of your secondary projects here. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi.

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Project Selama Kuliah

Pillar - Free Boootstrap Resume/CV Template for Developers Free

Provide a brief description of your project. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatu.

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DevBlog - Free Boootstrap Blog Template for Developers Free

Provide a brief description of your project. Maecenas ornare ultricies risus, in fermentum augue consectetur in. Vestibulum vitae mauris iaculis, sollicitudin velit in, molestie nulla.

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Nova - Free App Landing Page Template for App Developers Free

Provide a brief description of your project. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel purus enim. Etiam tortor felis, fermentum ac ultrices sed.

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